Böblinger Str. 78
70199 Stuttgart
K.-D. Hungenberg received his Diploma in 1979 and his PhD in 1982 in Chemistry at the University of Essen in anionic resp. living free radical polymerization. Until 1987 he worked as a research chemist with Boehringer Mannheim and then joined BASF’s Polymer research.
In 2004 he was named Research Director and in 2010 Vice President Polymer Reaction Engineering
In 2012 Hungenberg received a Honorary Professorship at the University of Paderborn.
Hungenberg has led diverse product and process developments ranging from new PVC modifiers, polyolefin processes, superabsorbent polymers, emulsion polymers, ABS etc. His main research emphasis is polymer reaction engineering and modeling and simulation of polymer processes. He is (co-)author of about 100 scientific articles and patents.
He is member of the Editorial Board of several international journals and acted as member / chairman of the Scientific Committees of various conferences. He is engaged in the IUPAC Working Party “Modeling of Kinetics and Processes of Polymerization“, the Working Party “Polymer Reaction Engineering” of EFCE and Deputy Chairman of the Dechema Technical Committee “Polyreaktionen“, and is lecturer in the Dechema training course “Polymerisationstechnik”.
Since 2013 he has retired.