Dieses Bild zeigt Ulrich Nieken

Ulrich Nieken

Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Institut für Chemische Verfahrenstechnik


+49 711 685 85230
+49 711 685 85242

Böblinger Str. 78
70199 Stuttgart
Raum: 1.039


  • Technische Reaktionen unter transienten Bedingungen

  • Zyklische Prozesse

  • Reaktionsführung mit simultaner Wärme- und Stoffübertragung

  • Strukturbildung poröser Feststoffe

  • Transport in porösen Medien

  1. 2024

    1. S. Welzel, U. Nieken
      Fouling During Polymerization in Different Continuous Reactor Setups
      2024, Chemie Ingenieur Technik Volume 96, Issue 12, 1632–1641
    2. D. Kleschew, U. Tuttlies, U. Nieken
      Experimental Analysis of Inductive Heating of Catalytic Beds
      2024, Chemie Ingenieur Technik
    3. L. Pauly, L. Maier, U. Nieken, G. T. Gresser
      Physics-based modeling of the effective gas transport properties of single jersey knitted fabrics based on images
      2024, Textile Research Journal
    4. L. Maier, S. Brosch, M. Gaehr, J. Linkhorst, M. Wessling, U. Nieken
      Convective Drying of Porous Media: Comparison of Phase-Field Simulations with Microfluidic Experiments
      2024, Transport in Porous Media 151(3), 559--583
    5. U. Nieken
      From micro-models to process scale
      Vortrag, 5th Indo-German Workshop on Advances in Materials, Reaction, and Separation Processes, 19.-21. Februar 2024, Kharagpur, Indien
  2. 2023

    1. L. Maier, L. Kufferath-Sieberin, L. Pauly, M. Hopp-Hirschler, G. T. Gresser, U. Nieken
      Constitutive Correlations for Mass Transport in Fibrous Media Based on Asymptotic Homogenization
      2023, Materials 16(5)
    2. J. Matthies, T. Schall, W. Pritzkow, U. Tuttlies, U. Nieken
      Electrically Heated Oxide Ceramic Tubes for High Temperature Reactions
      2023, Chemie Ingenieur Technik 95, 701–707
    3. Y. Lee, D. Dobesch, P. Stender, U. Tuttlies, U. Nieken, G. Schmitz
      Analysis of the oxide formation on Pd catalysts during NO oxidation by Atom Probe Tomography
      2023, Chemical Engineering Science 277, 118849
    4. S. Welzel, C. Zander, U. Nieken
      Wall Layer Formation in Continuously Operated Tubular Reactors for Free-Radical Polymerizations
      2023, Chemie Ingenieur Technik
    5. S. Welzel, J. Burmeister, O. Höppchen, U. Nieken
      Validation of an Extended Kinetic Model of Free-Radical N-Vinylpyrrolidone Polymerization
      2023, Macromolecular Reaction Engineering
    6. E. Spoor, S. Welzel, U. Nieken, M. Rädle
      UV/VIS-Spectroscopic Inline Measurement for the Detection of Fouling Processes during the Polymerization of N-Vinylpyrrolidone
      2023, Reactions 4(1), 176–188
    7. L. Pauly, L. Maier, S. Dey, S. Schmied, U. Nieken, G. T. Gresser
      Image-based analysis of single jersey loop parameters
      2023, Textile Research Journal
  3. 2022

    1. M. Scherle, T. A. Nowak, S. Welzel, B. J. M. Etzold, U. Nieken
      Experimental study of 3D – structured adsorbent composites with improved heat and mass transfer for adsorption heat pumps
      2022, Chemical Engineering Journal 431, 133365
    2. S. Welzel, C. Zander, K.-D. Hungenberg, U. Nieken
      Modeling of the Branching Point Distribution During the Polymerization of N-Vinylpyrrolidone
      2022, Macromolecular Reaction Engineering
    3. S. Welzel, W. Säckel, U. Nieken
      Modeling of diffusive Transport of Polymers Moments using Limiting Cases of the Maxwell-Stefan Model
      2022, Macromolecular Reaction Engineering
    4. F. Bienen, M. C. Paulisch, T. Mager, J. Osiewacz, M. Nazari, M. Osenberg, … K. A. Friedrich
      Investigating the electrowetting of silver-based gas-diffusion electrodes during oxygen reduction reaction with electrochemical and optical methods
    5. W. Säckel, U. Nieken
      Simulation of Morphology Evolution in Spray Drying of Suspensions by a Meshfree Approach 
      2022, Chemie Ingenieur Technik 93(3)
    6. F. Almasi, M. Hopp-Hirschler, A. Hadjadj, U. Nieken, M. S. Shadloo
      Coupled Electrohydrodynamic and Thermocapillary Instability of Multi-Phase Flows Using an Incompressible Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method
      2022, energies 15(7), 2576
  4. 2021

    1. L. Maier, M. Scherle, M. Hopp-Hirschler, U. Nieken
      Effective transport parameters of porous media from 2D microstructure images
      2021, International journal of heat and mass transfer 175
    2. M. Scherle, J. Liedtke, U. Nieken
      Optimal Sequencing and Adsorbent Design of Multi-Bed Adsorption Chillers
      2021, 117689
    3. M. Schlüter, S. Herres-Pawlis, U. Nieken, U. Tuttlies, D. Bothe
      Small-Scale Phenomena in Reactive Bubbly Flows: Experiments, Numerical Modeling, and Applications
      2021, Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 12(1), 625--643
    4. M. Schlüter, D. Bothe, S. Herres-Pawlis, U. Nieken
      Reactive Bubbly Flows - Final Report of the DFG Priority Program 1740
      2021, Springer Nature Switzerland, ISBN: 978-3-030-72360-6
  5. 2020

    1. L. Träger, J. Gläsel, M. Scherle, J. Hartmann, U. Nieken, B. J. M. Etzold
      Carbon-Methanol Based Adsorption Heat Pumps: Identifying Accessible Parameter Space with Carbide-Derived Carbon Model Materials
      2020, Chemical Engineering & Technology 43(9), 1876--1883
    2. M. Scherle, U. Nieken
      Simultaneous Optimization of Process Operational and Material Parameters for a 2-Bed Adsorption Refrigeration Process
      2020, ChemEngineering 4(2),31
    3. J. Xia, G. Eigenberger, H. Strathmann, U. Nieken
      Acid-Base Flow Battery, Based on Reverse Electrodialysis with Bi-Polar Membranes: Stack Experiments
      2020, Processes 8(1), 99
    4. C. Walter, S. Martens, C. Zander, C. Mehring, U. Nieken
      Heat Transfer through Wire Cloth Micro Heat Exchanger
      2020, Energies 13(14), 3567
    5. S. Gast, U. S. Tuttlies, U. Nieken
      Kinetic study of the toluene oxidation in homogeneous liquid phase
      2020, Chemical Engineering Science 217, 115500
    6. P. Kunz, M. Paulisch, M. Osenberg, B. Bischof, I. Manke, U. Nieken
      Prediction of Electrolyte Distribution in Technical Gas Diffusion Electrodes: From Imaging to SPH Simulations
      2020, Transport in Porous Media
    7. C. Zander, K.-D. Hungenberg, T. Schall, C. Schwede, U. Nieken
      Modeling Strategies for the Propagation of Terminal Double Bonds During the Polymerization of N-Vinylpyrrolidone and Experimental Validation
      2020, Macromolecular Reaction Engineering , 2000009
    8. M. Scherle, T. A. Nowak, U. Nieken
      Adsorptionskälte - Design strukturierter Adsorbens-Komposite für die adsorptive Kühlung (Tagungsband)
      2020, Deutsche Kälte- und Klimatagung, 19.11.-20.11.2020, online, ISBN: 978-3-932715-53-2
  6. 2019

    1. H. Dubbe, F. Bühner, U. Nieken
      Rapid Estimation of NO Oxidation Kinetic Data from Experiments
      2019, Chemie Ingenieur Technik 91
    2. M. Hopp-Hirschler, M. Safdari Shadloo, U. Nieken
      Viscous fingering phenomena in the early stage of polymer membrane formation
      2019, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 864, 97–140
    3. M. Hopp-Hirschler, U. Nieken
      Modeling of pore formation in phase inversion processes: analysis of pore formation mechanism
      2019, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
    4. J. Matthies, M. Hopp-Hirschler, S. Uebele, T. Schiestel, M. Osenberg, I. Manke, U. Nieken
      Up-scaling transport in porous polymer membranes using asymptotic homogenization
      2019, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 30, 266--289
    5. M. Hopp-Hirschler, J. Baz, N. Hansen, U. Nieken
      Generalized Fickian approach for phase separating fluid mixtures in Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
      2019, Computers & Fluids 179, 78--90
    6. P. Deglmann, M. Hellmund, K.-D. Hungenberg, U. Nieken, C. Schwede, C. Zander
      Side Reactions in Aqueous Phase Polymerization of N-Vinyl-Pyrrolidone as Possible Source for Fouling
      2019, Macromolecular Reaction Engineering , 1900021
    7. U. Nieken
      Prediction of Electrolyte Distribution in Technical Gas Diffusion Electrodes: From Imaging to SPH Simulations
      Vortrag, ModVAL, 12.03.-13.03.2019, Braunschweig
  7. 2018

    1. M. Hopp-Hirschler, M. S. Shadloo, U. Nieken
      A Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics approach for thermo-capillary flows
      2018, Computers & Fluids 176, 1--19
    2. C. Zander, M. Hopp-Hirschler, U. Nieken
      Mesoscopic simulation and characterization of the morphological evolution in phase separating fluid mixtures
      2018, Computational Materials Science 149, 267--281
    3. H. Dubbe, E. Holl, A. Spierings, K. Wegener, U. Nieken
      Development of a spatially uniform low-temperature hydrogen combustor
      2018, Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A 19(10), 735--745
    4. R. Sadeghi, M. S. Shadloo, M. Hopp-Hirschler, A. Hadjadj, U. Nieken
      Three-dimensional lattice Boltzmann simulations of high density ratio two-phase flows in porous media
      2018, Computers & Mathematics with Applications 75(7), 2445--2465
    5. H. Dubbe, G.Eigenberger, U. Nieken
      Modeling of Conversion Hysteresis Phenomena for Pt/Pd‐based Diesel Oxidation Catalysts
      2018, Chemie Ingenieur Technik 90, 625--633
    6. M. Hopp-Hirschler, U. Nieken
      Modeling of pore formation in phase inversion processes: Model and numerical results
      2018, Journal of Membrane Science 564, 820--831
    7. P. Kunz, S. M. Hassanizadeh, U. Nieken
      A Two-Phase SPH Model for Dynamic Contact Angles Including Fluid--Solid Interactions at the Contact Line
      2018, Transport in Porous Media 122(2), 253--277
    8. D. Colombet, D. Legendre, U. Tuttlies, A. Cockx, P. Guiraud, U. Nieken, … C. Daniel
      On single bubble mass transfer in a volatile liquid
      2018, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 125, 1144--1155
    9. U. Nieken, J. Xia, G. Eigenberger, H. Strathmann
      A flow battery based on reverse electrodialysis with bipolar membranes
      Vortrag, EuroMembrane, 09.07.-13.07.2018, Valencia, Spain
  8. 2017

    1. J. Bickel, B. Odendall, G. Eigenberger, U. Nieken
      Oxygen storage dominated three-way catalyst modeling for fresh catalysts
      2017, Chemical Engineering Science 160, 34--53
    2. M. Hirschler, G. Oger, U. Nieken, D. L. Touzé
      Modeling of droplet collisions using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
      2017, International Journal of Multiphase Flow 95, 175--187
    3. S. Gast, J. H. Matthies, U. S. Tuttlies, U. Nieken
      A novel experimental setup for kinetic studies of toluene oxidation in homogeneous liquid phase
      2017, Chemical Engineering & Technology 5/2017
    4. C. Zander, M. Hellmund, C. Schwede, U. Nieken
      Untersuchungen zur Belagsbildung bei der Polymerisation von N-Vinylpyrrolidon in kontinuierlich betriebenen Reaktorsystemen
      Vortrag, Würzburg, Deutschland
    5. U. Nieken
      Simulation of structure formation of open-porous materials
      Vortrag, Third Indo-German Workshop, 23.02.-26.02.2016, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahaiti
    6. P. Kunz, U. Nieken
      Study of two-phase flow at low Reynolds numbers: Extension of contact line dynamics to creeping flow
      Proceedings of the 12th International SPHERIC Workshop, 13.06.-15.06.2017, Ourense, Spain
    7. M. Hirschler, U. Nieken
      Study of implicit time-integration in truly incompressible SPH
      Proceedings of the 12th International SPHERIC Workshop, 13.06.-15.06.2017, Ourense, Spain
  9. 2016

    1. H. Dubbe, F. Bühner, G. Eigenberger, U. Nieken
      Hysteresis Phenomena on Platinum and Palladium-based Diesel Oxidation Catalysts (DOCs)
      2016, Emission Control Science and Technology 2(3), 137--144
    2. M. Hirschler, P. Kunz, M. Huber, F. Hahn, U. Nieken
      Open boundary conditions for ISPH and their application to micro-flow
      2016, Journal of Computational Physics 307, 614--633
    3. M. Hirschler, W. Säckel, U. Nieken
      On Maxwell–Stefan diffusion in Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
      2016, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 103, 548--554
    4. M. Huber, D. Dobesch, P. Kunz, M. Hirschler, U. Nieken
      Influence of orifice type and wetting properties on bubble formation at bubble column reactors
      2016, Chemical Engineering Science 152, 151--162
    5. M. N. Ess, H. Bladt, W. Mühlbauer, S. Seher, C. Zöllner, S. Lorenz, … R. Niessner
      Reactivity and structure of soot generated at varying biofuel content and engine operating parameters
      2016, Combustion and Flame 163, 157--169
    6. S. Seher, M. N. Ess, H. Bladt, R. Niessner, G. Eigenberger, U. Nieken
      A comparison of diesel soot oxidation rates measured with two different isothermal set-ups
      2016, Journal of Aerosol Science 91, 94--100
    7. R. Kelling, G. Eigenberger, U. Nieken
      Ceramic counterflow reactor for autothermal dry reforming at high temperatures
      2016, Catalysis Today 273, 196--204
    8. H. Dubbe, G. Eigenberger, U. Nieken
      Hysteresis Phenomena on Pt- and Pd-Diesel Oxidation Catalysts: Experimental Observations
      2016, Topics in Catalysis 59(10), 1054--1058
    9. M. Huber, F. Keller, W. Säckel, M. Hirschler, P. Kunz, S. M. Hassanizadeh, U. Nieken
      On the physically based modeling of surface tension and moving contact lines with dynamic contact angles on the continuum scale
      2016, Journal of Computational Physics 310, 459--477
    10. P. Kunz, I. M. Zarikos, N. K. Karadimitriou, M. Huber, U. Nieken, S. M. Hassanizadeh
      Study of Multi-phase Flow in Porous Media: Comparison of SPH Simulations with Micro-model Experiments
      2016, Transport in Porous Media 114(2), 581--600
    11. H. Dubbe, F. Bühner, G. Eigenberger, U. Nieken
      Hysteresis Phenomena on Platinum and Palladium-based Diesel Oxidation Catalysts (DOCs)
      2016, Emission Control Science and Technology 2(3), 137--144
    12. P. Kunz, M. Hirschler, M. Huber, U. Nieken
      Inflow/outflow with Dirichlet boundary conditions for pressure in ISPH
      2016, Journal of Computational Physics 326, 171--187
    13. W. Säckel, U. Nieken
      Structure Formation within Spray-Dried Droplets; Mathematical Modelling of Spray Polymerisation
      2016, Process-Spray: Functional Particles Produced in Spray Processes, Springer, ISBN: 978-3319812687
    14. U. Nieken
      Einfluss der Rußreaktivität auf die DPF-Regeneration
      Vortrag, FVV Frühjahrstagung, 15.04.-16.04.2016, Bad Neuenahr, Germany
  10. 2015

    1. R. Kelling, H. Dubbe, G. Eigenberger, U. Nieken
      Ceramic Counterflow Reactor for Efficient Conversion of CO2 to Carbon-Rich Syngas
      2015, Chemie Ingenieur Technik 87, 726--733
    2. U. Nieken
      Oxygen storage based reaction kinetics for three-way catalyst modeling
      Vortrag, European Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering – ESCRE 2015, 27.10.-30.10.2015, Fürstenfeld, Germany
    3. M. Hirschler, M. Huber, G. Oger, P. Kunz, D. L. Touze, U. Nieken
      Modeling of quantitative droplet dynamics with coalescence-bouncing transition in a pseudo-single-phase system using ISPH and WCSPH
      Proceedings of the 10th International SPHERIC Workshop, 16.06.-18.06.2015, Parma, Italy
  11. 2014

    1. B. R. Formisano, C. Bonten, M. Weinert, P. Günther, U. Nieken
      Extrudierte zeolithische Wabenkörper für Sorptionsspeicher
      2014, EuroHeat&Power 43, 17--19
    2. P. Günther, P. Kunz, R. Stierle, G. Eigenberger, U. Nieken
      Prozesssimulation einer Adsorptionskältemaschine: True-Moving-Bed-Approximation
      2014, Chemie Ingenieur Technik 86, 112--118
    3. R. Kelling, J. Bickel, U. Nieken, P. A. Zegeling
      An adaptive moving grid method for solving convection dominated transport equations in chemical engineering
      2014, Computers & Chemical Engineering 71, 467--477
    4. W. Säckel, U. Nieken
      Modellierung reaktiver Sprühtrocknungsprozesse am Beispiel der Sprühpolymerisation
      2014, Chemie Ingenieur Technik 86, 438--448
    5. M. Hirschler, M. Huber, W. Säckel, P. Kunz, U. Nieken
      An Application of the Cahn-Hilliard Approach to Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
      2014, Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2014, 10
    6. M. Krone, M. Huber, K. Scharnowski, M. Hirschler, D. Kauker, G. Reina, … T. Ertl
      Evaluation of Visualizations for Interface Analysis of SPH
      2014, The Eurographics Association, ISBN: 978-3-905674-69-9
    7. U. Nieken
      Reaction Kinetics for Aged Catalysts with Storage Components
      Vortrag, 5th Annual Global Congress of Catalysis - 2014, 21.09.-23.09.2014, Qingdao, China
    8. W. Säckel, M. Hirschler, M. Huber, P. Kunz, U. Nieken
      Modelling of Structure Evolution in Spray Dried Particles using the Meshfree SPH Method
      Proceedings of the 26th ILASS, 08.09.-10.09.2014, Bremen, Germany
    9. W. Säckel, M. Huber, M. Hirschler, P. Kunz, U. Nieken
      Drying and Morphology Evolution of Single Droplets in Spray Processes
      Proceedings of the 9th SPHERIC International Workshop, 03.06.-05.06.2014, Paris, France
    10. F. Beck, M. Hirschler, U. Nieken, P. Eberhard
      A study of truly incompressible and weakly compressible Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics methods to model incompressible flows with free surfaces
      Proceedings of the 85th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2014, Erlangen, Germany
    11. H. Bladt, W. Mühlbauer, S. Seher, M. Bürger, M. Eß, Ch. Zöllner, … U. Janoske
      Einfluss der Rußreaktivität auf die DPF-Regeneration
      FVV Abschlussbericht
  12. 2013

    1. M. Rink, G. Eigenberger, U. Nieken
      Comparison of Two Different Heat-Integrated Exhaust Purification Devices for Monovalent CNG Engines
      2013, Topics in Catalysis 56(1), 421--426
    2. K. Hauff, W. Boll, S. Tischer, D. Chan, U. Tuttlies, G. Eigenberger, … U. Nieken
      Macro- and Microkinetic Simulation of Diesel Oxidation Catalyst: Effect of Aging, Noble Metal Loading and Platinum Oxidation
      2013, Chemie Ingenieur Technik 85, 673--685
    3. U. N. W. Säckel
      Modelling of Spray Polymerisation Processes
      2013, Macromolecular Symposia 333, 297--304
    4. D. Chan, K. Hauff, U. Nieken, O. Deutschmann
      Vereinfachte Modellanpassung für gealterte Dieseloxidations- und NOx-Speicherkatalysatoren
      2013, MTZ - Motortechnische Zeitschrift 74(12), 1002--1009
    5. M. Rink, G. Eigenberger, U. Nieken
      Heat-Integrated Exhaust Purification for Natural Gas Engines
      2013, Chemie Ingenieur Technik 85, 656--663
    6. K. Hauff, U. Tuttlies, G. Eigenberger, U. Nieken
      Reaction Kinetics of Aged NOx Storage Catalysts
      2013, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 52(25), 8399--8409
    7. K. Hauff, H. Dubbe, U. Tuttlies, G. Eigenberger, U. Nieken
      Platinum oxide formation and reduction during NO oxidation on a diesel oxidation catalyst—Macrokinetic simulation
      2013, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 129, 273--281
    8. M. Hirschler, F. Keller, M. Huber, W. Säckel, U. Nieken
      Ein gitterfreies Berechnungsverfahren zur Simulation von Koaleszenz in Mehrphasensystemen
      2013, Chemie Ingenieur Technik 85, 1099--1106
    9. W. Säckel, M. Huber, M. Hirschler, P. Kunz, U. Nieken
      Modelling of Morphology Evolution in Spray Drying Processes using Meshfree Single Droplet Drying Models
      Proceedings of the 4th European Drying Conference, 02.10.-04.10.2013, Paris, France
  13. 2012

    1. S. Dwenger, G. Eigenberger, U. Nieken
      Measurement of Capillary Pressure--Saturation Relationships Under Defined Compression Levels for Gas Diffusion Media of PEM Fuel Cells
      2012, Transport in Porous Media 91(1), 281--294
    2. M. Rink, G. Eigenberger, U. Nieken, U. Tuttlies
      Optimization of a heat-integrated exhaust catalyst for CNG engines
      2012, Catalysis Today 188(1), 113--120
    3. K. Hauff, U. Tuttlies, G. Eigenberger, U. Nieken
      Platinum oxide formation and reduction during NO oxidation on a diesel oxidation catalyst – Experimental results
      2012, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 123–124, 107--116
    4. E. Lopez, V. Gepert, A. Gritsch, U. Nieken, G. Eigenberger
      Ethanol Steam Reforming Thermally Coupled with Fuel Combustion in a Parallel Plate Reactor
      2012, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 51(11), 4143--4151
    5. W. Säckel, U. Nieken
      Modellierung der Prozesse in Einzeltropfen bei Sprühtrocknungsprozessen mit Hilfe gitterfreier Simulationsverfahren
      Proceedings des 10. Workshops über Sprays, 21.05.-22.05.2012, Berlin, Germany
    6. W. Säckel, F. Keller, U. Nieken
      Modelling of Single Droplet Drying and Morphology Evolution using Meshfree Simulation Methods
      Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of Liquid Atomisation and Spray Systems, 02.09.-06.09.2012, Heidelberg, Germany
  14. 2011

    1. F. Keller, U. Nieken
      Application of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics to Structure Formation in Chemical Engineering
      2011, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, ISBN: 978-3-642-16229-9
    2. U. Nieken, F. Keller, W. Säckel, M. Huber
      Simulation of Morphogenesis of Open-Porous Materials
      Vortrag, BASF Forum Process Technology 2011, 24.02.2011, Heidelberg, Germany
  15. 2010

    1. F. Keller, U. Nieken
      Simulation der Morphologieausbildung von offenporigen Materialien
      2010, Chemie Ingenieur Technik 82, 1391
    2. J. Laackmann, R. Sedelmayer, L. Cepelyte, K. Walag, W. Pauer, H.-U. Moritz, … U. Nieken
      Experimental investigation and numerical simulation of spray processes
      2010, Macromolecular Symposia 302, 235--244

Seit Oktober 2004
Leiter des Instituts für Chemische Verfahrenstechnik der Universität Stuttgart

Studium der Verfahrenstechnik an der Universität Stuttgart.
Vertiefung in Regelungstechnik und Thermischer Verfahrenstechnik

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Chemische Verfahrenstechnik bei Professor Eigenberger, Universität Stuttgart

März 1993

Mitarbeiter der BASF-AG im Bereich der Technischen Entwicklung

Februar 1998
Wechsel in das Kunststofflabor der BASF

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