Dieses Bild zeigt Heinrich Strathmann

Heinrich Strathmann

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil.

Institut für Chemische Verfahrenstechnik


+49 711 685 85242

Böblinger Str. 78
70199 Stuttgart
Raum: 1.013


  • Synthetische Membranen, ihre Herstellung und technische Nutzung
  1. 2020

    1. J. Xia, G. Eigenberger, H. Strathmann, U. Nieken
      Acid-Base Flow Battery, Based on Reverse Electrodialysis with Bi-Polar Membranes: Stack Experiments
      2020, Processes 8(1), 99
  2. 2010

    1. H. Strathmann
      Electrodialysis, a mature technology with a multitude of new applications
      2010, Desalination 264(3), 268--288
  3. 2008

    1. A. Grabowski, G. Zhang, H. Strathmann, G. Eigenberger
      Production of high-purity water by continuous electrodeionization with bipolar membranes: Influence of concentrate and protection compartment
      2008, Separation and Purification Technology 60, 86--95
  4. 2006

    1. H. Strathmann, A. Grabowski, G. Eigenberger
      Electromembrane processes, efficient and versatile tools in a sustainable industrial development
      2006, Desalination 199, 1--3
    2. A. Grabowski, G. Zhang, H. Strathmann, G. Eigenberger
      The production of high purity water by continuous electrodeionization with bipolar membranes: Influence of the anion-exchange membrane permselectivity
      2006, Journal of Membrane Science 281, 297--306
  5. 1993

    1. J. Kerres, H. Strathmann
      Synthesis and properties of a new AB‐cross‐linked copolymer membrane system
      1993, Applied Polymer Science 50(8), 1405--1421
  6. 1990

    1. H. Strathmann, B. Bauer, J. Kerres
      Polymer Membranes with Selective Gas and Vapor Permeation Properties
      1990, Macromolecular Symposia 33(1), 161--178
    2. H. Strathmann, C. M. Bell, J. Kerres
      Gas separation and pervaporation: Membrane and module development
      1990, Desalination 77(1–3), 259--278

1991 – 1999
University of Twente, Ordinarius Institut für Membrantechnik

Professur an der Universität Stuttgart

1982 – 1992
Fraunhofer Institute IGB, Stuttgart

Habilitation, an der Universität Tübingen

1971 – 1982
Forschungsinstitut Berghof GmbH, Tübingen

1965 – 1971
Amicon Corp., Lexington, Mass.,USA

1961 – 1965
Promotion an der RWTH Aachen

1956 –1961
Chemiestudium an der Universität Darmstadt


Auszeichungen und Mitgliedschaften:

Richard Maling Barrer Prize of the European Membrane Society

Honorar Professor South China Central University

Willy Hager Price and Medial in Gold

DECHEMA, Frankfurt, 1984 European Membrane Society


Wissenschaftlicher Beirat:

Middle East Desalination Research Center , Oman

UN-University for Environmental Science, Gwangju, Korea

1993 – 1998
UNESCO Center for Membrane Technology, Sidney, Australia


Editor- und Editorial Board:

1993 – 1998
Separation and Purification Technology (Editor)

Desalination (Editorial board)

Journal of Membrane Science

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