+49 711 685 85245
+49 711 685 85242
Böblinger Straße 78
70199 Stuttgart
Raum: 2.028
- S. Welzel, U. NiekenFouling During Polymerization in Different Continuous Reactor Setups2024, Chemie Ingenieur Technik Volume 96, Issue 12, 1632–1641
- S. WelzelPolymer fouling in tubular reactors for radical polymerizations2024, Dissertation, Universität Stuttgart
- S. Welzel, C. Zander, U. NiekenWall Layer Formation in Continuously Operated Tubular Reactors for Free-Radical Polymerizations2023, Chemie Ingenieur Technik
- S. Welzel, J. Burmeister, O. Höppchen, U. NiekenValidation of an Extended Kinetic Model of Free-Radical N-Vinylpyrrolidone Polymerization2023, Macromolecular Reaction Engineering
- E. Spoor, S. Welzel, U. Nieken, M. RädleUV/VIS-Spectroscopic Inline Measurement for the Detection of Fouling Processes during the Polymerization of N-Vinylpyrrolidone2023, Reactions 4(1), 176–188
- S. Welzel, U. NiekenModeling of Diffusive Transport of Polymers Moments Using the Maxwell–Stefan ModelVortrag, 14th International Workshop on Polymer Reaction Engineering, Potsdam, 5.-8.9.2023
- S. Welzel, U. NiekenDevelopment of a surface layer model for the prediction of deposit formation in solution polymerizationsPoster, 14th International Workshop on Polymer Reaction Engineering, Potsdam, 5.-8.9.2023
- M. Scherle, T. A. Nowak, S. Welzel, B. J. M. Etzold, U. NiekenExperimental study of 3D – structured adsorbent composites with improved heat and mass transfer for adsorption heat pumps2022, Chemical Engineering Journal 431, 133365
- S. Welzel, W. Säckel, U. NiekenModeling of diffusive Transport of Polymers Moments using Limiting Cases of the Maxwell-Stefan Model2022, Macromolecular Reaction Engineering
- S. Welzel, C. Zander, K.-D. Hungenberg, U. NiekenModeling of the Branching Point Distribution During the Polymerization of N-Vinylpyrrolidone2022, Macromolecular Reaction Engineering
- V. Neßlinger, S. Welzel, F. Rieker, D. Meinderink, U. Nieken, G. GrundmeierThin Organic-inorganic Anti-fouling Hybrid-films for Microreactor Components2022, Macromolecular Reaction Engineering
- S. Welzel, U. NiekenFouling in continuous operated tubular reactors for the radical polymerization of N-VinylpyrrolidoneVortrag, (Bio)Process Engineering - a Key to Sustainable Development, Aachen, 12.09.-15.09.2022
- S. Welzel, U. NiekenWall layer formation in continuously operated tubular reactors for freeradical polymerizationsVortrag, Polymer Reaction Engineering XI, Scottsdale, Arizona (USA), 11.-15.12.2022
- S. Welzel, U. NiekenModeling of the branching point distribution during the polymerization of N-vinylpyrrolidoneVortrag, 10th PhD Workshop on Polymer Reaction Engineering in San Sebastian (Spain), 20.-22. April 2022, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU
- S. Welzel, U. NiekenFouling in continuously operated tubular reactors for the radical polymerization of N-VinylpyrrolidoneVortrag, Annual Meeting on Reaction Engineering and ProcessNet Subject Division Heat and Mass Transfer 2022, Würzburg, 18.07.-20.07.2022
- S. Welzel, V. Nesslinger, G. Grundmeier, U. NiekenThin anti-fouling films for continuously operated polymerization reactorsVortrag, Achema, Frankfurt, 22.08.-26.08.2022
- S. Welzel, U. NiekenFouling in continuously operated tubular reactorsVortrag, Jahrestreffen der „Prozess-, Apparate- und Anlagentechnik“, Frankfurt, 21.11.-22.11.2022
- S. Welzel, U. NiekenFouling in continuously operated tubular reactors for the radical polymerization of N-VinylpyrrolidoneVortrag, 9th PhD Workshop on Polymer Reaction Engineering (online), 23.-25. November 2021, Technical University of Darmstadt
Preis "Bester Beitrag", 9. Doktoranden Workshop "Polymer Reaction Engineering", 23. - 25.11.2021, TU Darmstadt
seit 10/2019
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am ICVT
07/2017 – 12/2017
Auslandsstudium an der University of Technology, Sydney
10/2013 – 09/2019
Studium der Verfahrenstechnik an der Universität Stuttgart