Dieses Bild zeigt Stefan Welzel

Stefan Welzel


Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Institut für Chemische Verfahrenstechnik


+49 711 685 85245
+49 711 685 85242

Böblinger Straße 78
70199 Stuttgart
Raum: 2.028


  1. 2024

    1. S. Welzel, U. Nieken
      Fouling During Polymerization in Different Continuous Reactor Setups
      2024, Chemie Ingenieur Technik Volume 96, Issue 12, 1632–1641
    2. S. Welzel
      Polymer fouling in tubular reactors for radical polymerizations
      2024, Dissertation, Universität Stuttgart
  2. 2023

    1. S. Welzel, C. Zander, U. Nieken
      Wall Layer Formation in Continuously Operated Tubular Reactors for Free-Radical Polymerizations
      2023, Chemie Ingenieur Technik
    2. S. Welzel, J. Burmeister, O. Höppchen, U. Nieken
      Validation of an Extended Kinetic Model of Free-Radical N-Vinylpyrrolidone Polymerization
      2023, Macromolecular Reaction Engineering
    3. E. Spoor, S. Welzel, U. Nieken, M. Rädle
      UV/VIS-Spectroscopic Inline Measurement for the Detection of Fouling Processes during the Polymerization of N-Vinylpyrrolidone
      2023, Reactions 4(1), 176–188
    4. S. Welzel, U. Nieken
      Modeling of Diffusive Transport of Polymers Moments Using the Maxwell–Stefan Model
      Vortrag, 14th International Workshop on Polymer Reaction Engineering, Potsdam, 5.-8.9.2023
    5. S. Welzel, U. Nieken
      Development of a surface layer model for the prediction of deposit formation in solution polymerizations
      Poster, 14th International Workshop on Polymer Reaction Engineering, Potsdam, 5.-8.9.2023
  3. 2022

    1. M. Scherle, T. A. Nowak, S. Welzel, B. J. M. Etzold, U. Nieken
      Experimental study of 3D – structured adsorbent composites with improved heat and mass transfer for adsorption heat pumps
      2022, Chemical Engineering Journal 431, 133365
    2. S. Welzel, W. Säckel, U. Nieken
      Modeling of diffusive Transport of Polymers Moments using Limiting Cases of the Maxwell-Stefan Model
      2022, Macromolecular Reaction Engineering
    3. S. Welzel, C. Zander, K.-D. Hungenberg, U. Nieken
      Modeling of the Branching Point Distribution During the Polymerization of N-Vinylpyrrolidone
      2022, Macromolecular Reaction Engineering
    4. V. Neßlinger, S. Welzel, F. Rieker, D. Meinderink, U. Nieken, G. Grundmeier
      Thin Organic-inorganic Anti-fouling Hybrid-films for Microreactor Components
      2022, Macromolecular Reaction Engineering
    5. S. Welzel, U. Nieken
      Fouling in continuous operated tubular reactors for the radical polymerization of  N-Vinylpyrrolidone
      Vortrag, (Bio)Process Engineering - a Key to Sustainable Development, Aachen, 12.09.-15.09.2022
    6. S. Welzel, U. Nieken
      Wall layer formation in continuously operated tubular reactors for freeradical polymerizations
      Vortrag, Polymer Reaction Engineering XI, Scottsdale, Arizona (USA), 11.-15.12.2022
    7. S. Welzel, U. Nieken
      Modeling of the branching point distribution during the polymerization of N-vinylpyrrolidone
      Vortrag, 10th PhD Workshop on Polymer Reaction Engineering in San Sebastian (Spain), 20.-22. April 2022, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU
    8. S. Welzel, U. Nieken
      Fouling in continuously operated tubular reactors for the radical polymerization of N-Vinylpyrrolidone
      Vortrag, Annual Meeting on Reaction Engineering and ProcessNet Subject Division Heat and Mass Transfer 2022, Würzburg, 18.07.-20.07.2022
    9. S. Welzel, V. Nesslinger, G. Grundmeier, U. Nieken
      Thin anti-fouling films for continuously operated polymerization reactors
      Vortrag, Achema, Frankfurt, 22.08.-26.08.2022
    10. S. Welzel, U. Nieken
      Fouling in continuously operated tubular reactors
      Vortrag, Jahrestreffen der „Prozess-, Apparate- und Anlagentechnik“, Frankfurt, 21.11.-22.11.2022
  4. 2021

    1. S. Welzel, U. Nieken
      Fouling in continuously operated tubular reactors for the radical polymerization of N-Vinylpyrrolidone
      Vortrag, 9th PhD Workshop on Polymer Reaction Engineering (online), 23.-25. November 2021, Technical University of Darmstadt

Preis "Bester Beitrag", 9. Doktoranden Workshop "Polymer Reaction Engineering", 23. - 25.11.2021, TU Darmstadt

seit 10/2019
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am ICVT

07/2017 – 12/2017
Auslandsstudium an der University of Technology, Sydney

10/2013 – 09/2019
Studium der Verfahrenstechnik an der Universität Stuttgart

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