Experimental and Analytic Equipment


Available equipment for concentration measurements, spatially resolved temperature measurements, as well as various forms of polymer analysis.

Mass Spectrometer (IMR/EI) - CombiSense (MS4)

Quantitative online measurement of gas concentrations

Mass Spectrometer (IMR/EI) - Airsense Compact (MS4)

Quantitative online measurement of gas concentrations

Mass Spektrometer - Thermostar (Pfeiffer Vacuum)

Basic gas analytics

FTIR Spectrometer - Multigas 2030 (MKS)

Quantitative online measurement of gas concentrations

IR Spectrometer - Uras 14, Uras 10P, Caldos 17 (ABB)

Gas analytics (CO, CO2, CH4, O2)

Gas Chromatograph - HP7890 (Vici Valco)

Gas  and liquid analysis (permanent gases, water, hydrocarbons)

Various Flame Ionization Detectors (FIDs)

Total carbon measurement in gases

Infrared Spectrometer (ATR-FTIR) - Bruker

Quantitative and qualitative in-situ analysis of mixtures, allows tracking of reaction progress over time

Infrared Spectrometer (ATR-FTIR) - Nicolet iS5 (ThermoFisher)

Substance identification using substance-specific locations and intensities of infrared absorption spectra, solid or liquid samples

High-Performance Liqid Chromatograph (HPLC) + UV/VIS  -  1260 Infinity (Agilent)

Quantitative and qualitative analysis of mixtures, allows conversion measurements using the monomer content of samples

Gas Chromatograph - HP7890 (Vici Valco)

Gas  and liquid analysis (permanent gases, water, hydrocarbons)

Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) -  DSC 204 F1 (Netzsch)

Measurement of phase transition temperatures of liquid and solid samples

Gel Permeation Chromatograph (GPC) + UV/VIS-DAD - (Agilent)

Measurement of relative molecular weight distribution and copolymer composition in aqueous eluents

GPC + Light Scattering/VISKO-/RI-Detektoren -1260 Infinity II (Agilent, PSS Polymers)

Measurement of relative molecular weight distribution and copolymer composition using DMAc as eluent

GPC + Light Scattering/VISKO-/RI-Detektoren - 1200 Series (Agilent, PSS Polymers)

Measurement of relative molecular weight distribution and copolymer composition using organic eluents

Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) -  DSC 204 F1 (Netzsch)

Measurement of phase transition temperatures of liquid and solid samples

Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) STA449C (Netzsch)

Measurement of thermal resilience, mass changes and thermal decomposition of a solid/polymer sample

Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) + FTIR - STA449F3 (Netzsch, Bruker)

Measurement of thermal resilience, mass changes and thermal decomposition of a solid/polymer sample. Coupled FTIR allows analysis of released compounds

Impedance Spectrometer - IM6 (Zahner)

Impedance and conductivity measurements of membranes at room temperature in different electrolytes for different applications (PEMFCs, AEMFCs, RFBs)

Impedance Spectrometer - Membrane Test System 740 (Scribner)

Impedance and conductivity measurements of membranes at 30-140°C and varying humidities

Infrared Spectrometer (ATR-FTIR) - Nicolet iS5 (ThermoFisher)

Substance identification using substance-specific locations and intensities of infrared absorption spectra, solid or liquid samples

Fibre Optic Temperature Sensor Unit (Fiber-Bragg-Sensor Array) - (AOS)

Spatially resolved measurement of temperatures in tubular reactors

This image shows Dörthe Schiewe

Dörthe Schiewe


Chemikerin und Sicherheitsbeauftragte

This image shows Inna Kharitonova

Inna Kharitonova


Chemisch-technische Assistentin

This image shows Galina Schumski

Galina Schumski


Chemisch-technische Assistentin

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