Polymer & Membrane Technology

Research group

Dr. Vladimir Atanasov

What is the focus of our research?

The group is working in the area of polymer based membranes for various electrochemical applications e.g. fuel cell (NT-PEM and HT-PEM) as well as redox-flow batteries and water electrolysis. We are synthesizing new polymers and poyelectrolytes and developing polymeric membranes. The group is part of both national (KatPol) and international (eSCALED) projects and consortiums.

Our cooperation partners from scientific institutions:

  • Dr. Yu Seung Kim from Los Alamos National Laboratories in USA,
  • Dr. Klaus-Dieter Kreuer from Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart,
  • Dr. Volker Peinecke from The hydrogen and fuel cell center ZBT GmbH in Duisburg
  • Prof. Laurent Billon from University of Pau IPREM in France.

Our Cooperation Partners from Industry:

  • Prof. Steffen Schütz from MANN+HUMMEL Group
  • Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Häring Riva Batteries GmbH


This image shows Vladimir Atanasov

Vladimir Atanasov

Dr. rer. nat.


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